All the apps are running on a single Clace server. The code for the apps can be found at GitHub.
This app shows the disk usage on the node, allowing the user to find which directory is consuming the most space. It uses the filesystem access plugin and shows simple Hypermedia based interactions.
Disk UsageThis app shows the resident memory usage, aggregated by parent process. The data comes from the "ps" command. The d3 library is used as an ESM module to show the data visualization.
Memory UsageThis app builds the UI for a CowBull word finding game. It demonstrates the use of Hypermedia controls across multiple pages and integration with Tailwind CSS and DaisyUI.
CowbullFirst, install Clace. Then enable auto TLS certificates. Setup DNS for the domains. Then start the Clace server and install the apps.
# Start the Clace server
$ nohup clace server start &
# Create memory usage app
$ clace app create --auth=none --approve
# Create disk usage app
$ clace app create --auth=none --approve
# Create cowbull app, under cowbull domain
$ clace app create --auth=none --approve
# Create demo app, default domain
$ clace app create --auth=none --approve
# All apps are live now, TLS certs will be created on demand